Power Driver: Informal Requirements Power Driver is a vehicle rental company. Power Driver has 105 branches over the world. Currently there is no linkage between these branches. Power Driver needs a computer system to connect all these branches together to support better services to the customer in a more efficient way. Following are the requirements of the computer system. The system should be able to store the vehicle records. A vehicle record includes model number, serial number, status, booking schedule and booking history. The status of the vehicle should be available, rented, repairing or reserved. Staffs only allow in searching the vehicle records. Only the branch’s manager allows in maintaining vehicle records. The system stores the customer records. The customer record includes name, ID, status and rental history. The status of the customer can be normal, VIP or suspend. The normal and VIP customers can rent vehicles but suspended customers are not allowed to rent vehicles. All staffs can maintain customer records. But only the branch’s manager allows changing the status of the customers. Each branch has one manager. The system should provide a function for staffs to input the rental record. The staff can only create the rental record for the car in his own working branch. The staff cannot create a rental record for other branches. After the vehicle is returned, the staff needs to update the rental record. The system should have a reserved car function for booking the car. The start of the booking period should be within next 7 days. Normal staff cannot make a booking request to another branch. Only the manager can request a booking to another branch. The staff can use the system to check the availability of the car by using model number, or booking schedule. If there are suitable car(s) for renting, the staff can use the system to reserve or rent the car. If the car is rented, other staffs should not rent the car to another customer until the rental period is over. The staff can search the customer records by using customer’s name, ID or telephone. The system should provide a report generation function to generate a monthly report of the branch. ---------------------------------------------------------- Power Driver: informal use case "Maintain Rental" 1. The staff login the System 2. The system validates the staff identity with user name and password 3. After validation, the staff can maintain the rental records. The staff can query, insert, update or archive the rental records. a) Query rental records i) Get the query criteria ii) Find the rental records with the criteria b) Insert rental record i) Create a new rental record ii) Fill in the rental information iii) Confirm the changes c) Update rental records i) Find the rental record with record ID ii) Update the rental information in the record iii) COnfirm the changes 4. Logout the system